How To Set Up Custom InTouch Dictation IDs
Some clients may prefer to assign custom Dial-In Dictation IDs to their clinicians instead of using the default Deliver Health assigned Dictation ID. Custom Dictation IDs, in addition to being shorter, can also have special significance to the provider that makes the number easier to use or remember. For example, providers could be assigned a Dictation ID that matched their phone extension or office number.
Custom Dictation IDs do require additional maintenance by the Transcription Company or the Client themselves as duplicate IDs are not permitted. Additionally, clients with custom numbers are not able to dial into the Deliver Health Toll Free number, which only accepts the default Deliver Health numbers.
To begin the process, request a Custom Dictation ID telephone number from the Deliver Health helpdesk:
A: Send email to
B: Call 1-800-858-0080
When the telephone number has been assigned, enter the Client Maintenance portion of InCommand.
Choose Client Defaults and Non-Workflow Settings.
Locate the "Use InTouch Dictation" check box and enter the Custom Dictation ID telephone number.
To assign a user a custom Dictation ID navigate to the Users section of InCommand's Client Maintenance.
Choose a user to assign a Dictation ID to and select the option to Edit.
In the subsection Telephone Dictation Options, enter the custom Dictation ID in the Dial-In Dictation ID field then save the change.
Note: Changes to InTouch settings can take up to 30 minutes to replicate to all InTouch servers.
Remember to maintain a list of which Dictation IDs have been used. Transcription Companies and Clients are required to maintain their own custom Dictation IDs!