


Cannot Log Into InScribe

This article will discuss what to do if you cannot log into InScribe when getting the error of Login was unsuccessful.  Invalid Username, Password or Company Code.  Please check and try again.  For any other errors, please see other article on this site.

1.  First, verify that the Username, Password and Company Code are all correct.

2.  If all of the fields are correct, please call your Transcription Company or Emdat for further assistance.

3.  To check on the User settings for the Transcriptionist, go into the Maintenance Tab > Transcriptionist Tab

4.  Find the Transcriptionist (you can use the Find Transcriptionist Sub-menu if needed) and verify that they are active.  If at first you do not find the name, try checking the Show Inactive Transcriptionists.  Subdued names are inactive.

5.  If the MT is Inactive they cannot log in.

6.  If the User is Active, check the User Settings by clicking on the Transcriptionist name and Edit Setup and go into the Transcriptionist Information.

A.  Verify that the Username matches the one the Transcriptionist is using.

B.  Reset password as needed or generate temporary password

  • To reset the password using the Transcription Company's default password, go under Maintenance > Defaults > Password Options