

Updating Signature Names Or Credentials

When a User at your organization changes names or credentials (or it was initially misspelled), you may need to go to the User record to update this information.

Client Maintenance > Users > [Select a User] > Edit [User] > User Information

When you update User names and/or credentials, they will only update the name of the User going forward for new TIDs. Old TIDs will not get this updated name. If you need names or credentials updated retroactively, you will need to submit a ticket for us to update this information. We will need the following information:

  1. Client code
  2. The name of the User that needs this update
  3. How far back this change should apply. (You can say infinitely backwards if you want ALL TIDs updated with the new name, credentials, etc.)

Please remember to update the User record first in Client Maintenance before you submit the ticket.