Fax Cover Sheet Settings
We will be releasing an upgrade around June 1st that will allow the fax cover page to be suppressed, which will allow clients to prevent the cover page from faxing, saving the new charge. Clients will be able to do this via InCommand at the Client, Location, DocumentType, or Dictator Level. The fields are called "Send Fax Cover Page" and will be set to "ON" by default. You can also suppress the cover page on a per-Associate basis.
Below are the areas that will include settings that pertain to the new fax cover suppression changes and how to control them along with the pricing. Keep in mind, if you would like to continue to have the cover page sent as it currently is now, you will not need to make any changes to the following sections. If you would like to turn it off for a client, just disabling it at the client level will accomplish that. If you will need to specify certain locations, dictators, or associates for example that may need different on/off settings, you will need to make the proper adjustments to accomplish that. By Client The client level setting is located under InCommand > Client Maintenance > Client Defaults >Per Page Fax Settings > Send Fax Cover Page. Turn it ON to send a cover page with a fax for this client. Be aware that Send Fax Cover Page options also need to be enabled in Document Type, Location, Associate, and in User Settings.
The fax cover page can use the fields below to construct customized header and content also found in Client Defaults under InCommand > Client Maintenance > Client Defaults > Per Page Fax Settings.
The Facility Fax Description Section is a 50 character field at the MTSO, Client, Location, and User level. Typically it would be used for the clinic name. The value that gets displayed comes from:
- If User Facility Fax Description is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Location Fax Facility is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Client Fax Facility Description is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, The MTSO Fax Facility Description is displayed.
The Call-back Number Section is for use by anyone other than the intended recipient to call and report that they received this fax in error. As this is a text field, enter how you want the number displayed. The value that gets displayed comes from:
- If User Fax Callback Number is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Location Fax Callback Number is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Client Fax Callback Number is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, the MTSO Fax Callback Number is used.
The Cover Page Notes Section is a Fax Message section that allows a 1,000 character text field at the MTSO, Client, Location, and User level. This field will accept carriage returns to allow you some limited formatting of your customized message. The value that gets displayed comes from:
- If User Fax Message is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Location Fax Message is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, if Client Fax Message is non-blank, this value is used.
- Else, the MTSO Fax Message is used.
By Location
The send fax cover page can be enabled or disabled by location. This setting is located under InCommand > Client Maintenance > Locations > Folder Options > Send Fax Cover Page.
Also under the Location section of Maintenance is a Fax Info Field section as explained in detail under the Client section above. ''''''
By Document Type
You can also allow or restrict a certain document type to include a cover page when faxed by editing the particular document type. The setting is located under InCommand > Client Maintenance >Document
Types > Workflow Options > Send Fax Cover Page.
'Fax cover pages can be enabled or disabled by clinician. The setting is located under InCommand > Client Maintenance >Users > Dictating Clinician Options > Send Fax Cover Page
User Maintenance also includes a Fax Info Field section as explained in detail under the Client section above. The Fax Info Fields under the dictator also includes an additional field to customize the sender's name. If the sender's name is left blank, the default dictating user name will be used.
'By Associate Located under InCommand > Client Maintenance > Associates > Associate Information> Send Fax Cover Page is the option to enable or disable the fax cover page based on Associate.
Client Rates To control the rate for the cover page you will need to edit the relationship with the client. Then enter the rate under the rate information section. This is located under Maintenance > Clients > Rate Information.
MTSO Default Fax Cover Rates & Fax Message Section
Under MTSO Maintenance > Defaults > Default Rate Information, the following new fax cover page options will be available.
In the Default Rate section, the Fax Cover Page Rate will be used when creating new clients. This is only the default rate and will not affect rates in existing clients. Individual client rates can be set in the section above, "Client Rates". If you are a MTSO, make sure to verify that this rate is set to your preference.
A Fax Info Fields section is also available in Defaults. This section is the same as the other Fax Info Fields covered within this article with the exception that it is limited to a call-back number and cover page notes.
Please see the Example Coversheet below. The editable sections are color coded with a description of where in InCommand the information can be edited. See information above for more details.