


Appointment Comparison Report Returns No Data

When the InQuiry Appointment Comparison report returns "No Data" there May be an error matching the DID to the Patient demographics. This problem occurs when the Client is using a custom DID system, but does not assign numbers to the users. The report is accessed via InQuiry.

If a user has been improperly configured, the Report will return like this:

Verify that the Client is using a custom DID. Enter Client Maintenance and visit the Non-Workflow Settings under Client Defaults. If an InTouch DID is set, the user must also be assigned a Custom ID.

When a custom InTouch DID is used, verify that the User is assigned a DID by accessing user setup of Client Maintenance. Edit the user in Question and view the Telephone Dictation Instructions. A Dial-In Dictation ID must be specified if the client is using a custom DID.