

Checking Status of ShadowLink Services

This article explains how to check the status of ShadowLink services.

In order for a client to send or receive information or documents via ShadowLink, the service must first be connected.

Knowing the connection status of a service is the first step in troubleshooting potential issues related to the three main functions of ShadowLink:

1. Patient demographics uploads (from the client)

2. Associate uploads (from the client)

3. Audio dictation uploads (from tthe client)

4. Transcription deliveries (to the client)

How to check the status of a ShadowLink service

1. From InCommand, navigate to the Management tab, then the Advanced Management subtab.

2. In the Advanced Management subtab menu, click on ShadowLink, then Services.

3. Clicking on Services will load a window that displays the following information:

  • The client the service belongs to
  • The name of the ShadowLink service
  • The workstation the ShadowLink service is installed on
  • Last activity & last logout times for the service
  • The status of the service - Connected, Disconnected, Unknown, Unresponsive

If a client is reporting ShadowLink issues, the Status column for the service will show Disconnected or Unresponsive.

4. By clicking on the triangle button on the far left side of a ShadowLink service in the Services window, you can get additional information that includes:

  • Delivery Methods - shows what types of Upload/Download methods the client has, as well as the designated filepath for each method (where the transcriptions are delivered to specifically, for example).

  • Service Details - this tab provides a snapshot of where the ShadowLink service is located. For example, if you provide the machine name that the ShadowLink service is installed on but the client cannot locate the computer, you can provide them additional information such as the IP address or the operating system version of the machine.

  • Logs - if helpdesk or operations requests the client's ShadowLink logs (usually for further troubleshooting), you can request logs and download them in this tab.
  • You must first click on Request Logs, enter a date range, then click OK. After the request, you can download the logs by clicking on the "Available" button on the far right column.