

Dictation Information Screen

The Dictation Information Screen, or Info Screen, provides an administrator level overview of the documents characteristics and status.  It can be accessed in both the Outstanding Jobs and the Delivered Jobs tab, and the information available is slightly different depending on if the transcription has been delivered.

Outstanding Jobs

  • Save:  Any changes made to the Dictation Header are saved.
  • Play:  Play the audio file associated with this Transcription.
  • Previous:  Look at the previous TID's Info Screen.
  • Next:  Look at the Next TID's Info Screen
  • Cancel:  Close the Info Screen without saving any changes.

In the Outstanding Jobs tab, the Info Screen displays document and demographic information that is pertinent to assigning work to Transcriptionists.

Header Information:  This basic document information can be edited without downloading the job into InScribe.  This Header information controls how documents are distributed to MTs, The Print Template and Priority.

  • Priority:  Level of priority assigned to TID.  TIDs with low numbers are typed before TIDs with higher numbers.
  • Location:  Clients are often divided into different locations.  Affects Print Template.
  • STAT:  High Priority job that is assigned a priority level of 2.  Also affects MT and Client rate of pay.
  • Clinician:  The dictator for this transcription.  Affects Print Template.
  • Client:  The Hospital or Facility the dictation is from.
  • Transcriptionist:  The MT who has the dictation checked out.
  • Marked for Review:  Determines if the Transcription will be delivered to the Review folder.
  • Document Type:  The Work Type assigned to the Dictation.  Affects Print Template
  • Status:  The current level of transcription or QA that the TID is assigned to.

Document Information:  Contains the demographic information that the Transcription currently contains.

Dictation Information:  Contains the demographic information that was originally uploaded with the audio file.

Pools:  Pools are used to route Dictations to Transcriptionists for typing.

Prior Versions of Transcription Body:  All prior versions of the Transcription Body are available to view.

Activity:  A log of all the actions that have taken place with this dictation file.

Delivered Jobs

The Delivered Jobs Info Screen has the possibility of adding 3 new buttons on top.

  • Recalculate:  Pressing this button will recalculate the line counts for this transcription.
  • View:  Will open a preview of the typed document.
  • Exports:  Opens the exports interface for Shadowlink version 2.

The Delivered Jobs Info Screen has information regarding previous versions, line counts, and cost.  Information regarding routing dictation to transcriptionists has been removed.

Header Information:  Basic Status and cost information

  • Current Status:  The workflow folder the TID currently resides in.
  • Exported:  Check box for legacy clients still using Shadowlink version 1.
  • Price:  Update the price of the current document
  • Modifiers:  What modifiers affected the line rate for this transcription.

Document Information:  Contains the demographic information that the Transcription currently contains.

Line Counts:  A detailed table of line the line count for this Transcription.

Prior Versions of Transcription Body:  All prior versions of the Transcription Body are available to view.

Activity:  A log of all the actions that have taken place with this dictation file.  The "View Archived" button is used to display the entire log file regardless of the age of the log entry.