

Patient Record And Audio File Retention Times

This article explains the retention time for voice files and patient information in the Deliver Health database. This is to help keep our database healthy and eliminates any unnecessary information build-up.

1. Audio / Dictation (voice) files:

  • Audio files are kept for 90 days. The audio files will be purged after 90 days from creation, regardless of the status of the dictation, even if it has not been transcribed.
  • Note "Please forward any requests to extend Audio Retention time to your manager."

2. Patient information files:

  • Deliver Health retains the physical patient files received through ShadowLink for 30 days after they have been received

3. Patient data:

  • Best practice is, Deliver Health retains by default the patient data files for 30 days for Outpatient facilities and 120 days for Inpatient facilities. The data can include;
    • Demographics
    • Schedules
    • Orders
For Example: A patient is scheduled to see a doctor on Feb. 1st and March 1st, if no other appointments are scheduled, the patient information would be purged from the database on March 31st (30 calendar days after his last appointment date.) If an appointment were scheduled for April 1st at some point before March 31st, the 30-day count will start over from April 1st.
  • This retention time frame can be adjusted to up to 1 year if there is a business reason. Examples included but are not limited to:
    • Sports Roster
    • Nursing Home
    • Hospice Facility
  • Please get manager approval if there is a request to go more than a 6 month retention.
  • If a patient is put into the system with no appointment date, the patient data is retained for 30 days from the day received or 120 days for inpatient records.
4. Transcription export files:
  • Deliver Health retains the physical delivered transcription files sent through ShadowLink for 30 days the files have been delivered to the customer.
  • The transcription remains in the database and it’s data is retrievable forever.