

Setting Up Document Security

This article will help in setting up and modifying a Client's document security settings. Some of the reasons that a Client would elect to set up document security groups are:

  • Too many document types for  the MT's to choose from
  • InQuiry users need to be limited to what documents tehy can see because:
    • A doctor has personal letters he does not wish other users to view.
    • A specific department's doctors (e.g. Psycology) shoul dnot be viewed by other users.

1. To setup Document Security, go into the Client Maintenance and select "Document Security under the drop down for Maintenance. The screen should look like this:

2. Select Add New Document Type Security Group

3. Fill out the Group Name. ( See below )

4. Plan out and make as many different Document Type Security Groups as needed by repeating the process.

  • Place doctors that work in the same area or use the same document types together in one Security Group.
  • If a certain doctor (dictating user) uses a specific document type, you can make a group with his name for that specific document type
    • NOTE ** A Security Group of "All Documents" or "All" should be added first. It is not required but makes it easier for the administrator to view all documents in InQuiry. This group should have all document types and the administrative staff added to it. (See below for instructions)
    • NOTE ** To prevent people from seeing certain document types that belong to other users they normally have access to, check the "Use Security in Workflow" setting under Client Defaults under the Workflow tab.

5. View/Edit Document Types:

  • Select the documents you want to add to the group located under "Available Documents."
  • Click on "Add" or "Add All" whichever is appropriate to add desired Document Types that should be in this group into the left box labeled, "Documents in Group."
  • A Document type can be removed by applying the same technique.  Select the Document Type in the group and either "Remove" or "Remove All."

6. View/Edit Users:

  • Select the users you want to add to the group located under Available Users.
  • Click on the "Add" or "Add All" as appropriate to add users that should be in this group.  Added users will appear under the left box labeled "Users in Group."
  • You can remove a user by applying the same tenchinque.  Select teh user in the group and either "Remove" or "Remove All."

7. After you have created these document security settings, some of the changes you will see are:

  • Fewer document types for the MT to chose from for that doctor in InScribe.
  • Clinicians will only view documents matching their security settings making searches in InQuiry more efficient.
  • Clinicians will know that other users are not premitted to view their personal letters.

Special note: Once you have created these security settings, they are retroactive meaning that the doctor or user who is now limited to a particular document type, will not be able to see any previous document types that are now not in his/her security group.