

How to Send a Delivered Job Back to Transcription

This article will explain how to resubmit a job that has been delivered back to outstanding jobs. This might be necessary if some part of the dictation was missed in transcription or needs to be corrected in InScribe.

NOTE - transcriptions that do not have audio files attached to them cannot be downloaded in InScribe and will cause errors if they are resubmitted.
Please reference this article for the audio retention times for TIDs: Patient Record And Audio File Retention Times

Find the job in Delivered Transcriptions and send it back to QA

  1. Go to InCommand > Management > Delivered Transcriptions

  2. Search for the TID(s).
  3. Click the checkmark on the left side of the TID(s) you need to resubmit (or move to a different folder).

  4. Click the Status button above the Search button:

  5. Use the pull down menu to select Return to . (Note: you can also use this to send transcriptions to different folders).

  6. Press the Selected button (pictured above).

By default, the TID(s) resubmitted will be unassigned and at the highest level of QA that is allowed for the client.
Available QA Levels are set in InCommand > Maintenance > Clients > Edit Relationship > Relationship Setup > Status Levels.

If this job needs to change to another typing level or needs to be assigned to a specific MT, then you should consult the articles below:

Change a TID's typing level: How to Change a TIDs Typing Status
Assign a TID to a specific typist: How to Assign a TID to an MT

Please Note - All transcriptionists that work on the TID will receive a pay record on the TID. If the transcriptionists are setup for pay based on "Delivered Lines", then they will be paid based on the number of lines from the original delivery. The client will be charged for the TID based on the line count from the original delivery.
If the line count of the resubmitted and redelivered transcription has changed, then please submit a ticket to helpdesk to recount the transcription's lines based on the most recent delivery.