
Navigate to the InQuiry website based on your region:




1. Enter your Username and Client then click "Forgot Password?"

2. The Forgot Password box will appear. Confirm the Username and Client you entered are spelled correctly then select "Send Email"
3. A message box will appear stating an email containing a reset code has been sent to the email address listed in your profile.
NOTE: An email will not be sent if there is no email address in your profile. You will need to contact your HIM or Office Manager to have this added to your profile.

4. The email will come from "".  Click on the "Reset Password" link.
NOTE: This reset code will only be valid for 2 hours. A code will need to be generated again once it has expired.
5. A Reset Password window will appear. Enter the following values:
New Password.  
Confirm Password
You will receive a message confirming your password was successfully reset. You may log into InQuiry with your newly created password.