

Managing Folder Access By User Groups

This article will discuss the ways to manage access to workflow folders by groups for the various users in InQuiry.

Step 1: Setting Up Folder Access In User Groups

Folder access can be selected at a group level in User Groups found in Client Maintenance > Groups > User Groups shown below

You can create new User Groups with the "Add New User Group" button or edit an existing User Group with the Edit Selected User Group Button as shown below in Figure 1:

Figure 1

When you create a User Group or edit an existing one; one of the sections of options is called Folder Access. You can click this section to expand it.

Place checkmarks in the folders that members of the User Group should have turned on by default as shown below:

Note: This can be overridden at the user level if there are a few people who will be part of the group but need more or less access to specific folders.

After the User Groups are created or appropriately edited, assign users already created to a group by selecting the User Group and clicking "Assign Users to Group" as shown in Figure 1.

Names that appear in the left column are in the group and names in the right column can be assigned to the group. Users who are already assigned to another group will not appear in the Available Users column.

Use the Add and Remove buttons to move names from one column to the other as needed.

Step 2: Managing Folder Access At The Individual User Level

Folder Access can be selected at an individual level in User Settings found in Client Maintenance > Maintenance > Users shown below:

The options to allow or deny access to folders is available when you add new users or edit existing ones is similar to the method in User Group maintenance.

Use the image below to follow the options that can be selected at the User level.

The checkmarks that appear in the column "Group" are the same selections that were made in Step 1.

The checkmarks and red x's that appear in the column "User" are selections that were made at an individual level.

The checkmarks and red x's that appear in the column "Result" are the end result of which folders will be allowed access. The rules for the results are as follows:


Result Group User Does the User have Folder Access?
Check Blank Check Yes
Blank Blank Blank No
Red X Blank Red X No
Check Check Check Yes
Check Check Blank Yes
Red X Check Red X No

Note: While editing Users you can assign the User to a User Group in the section, Group Assignment, by the first drop down menu in the section Group Assignment as shown below:

Tip: If you have Users who have folders turned on or off at the individual level but need to revert to the User Group settings, do the following:

1. Go to Maintenance > All User Settings as shown below:

2. Expand the section Folder Access and click on the folder which is turned on or off at the individual level incorrectly.

3. In the options that open, you can individually click the check boxes for Users until the appropriate selection appears or you can use the "All Users Toggle" button shown below to change everyone's settings at once.

Note: This procedure is especially useful when you are creating User Groups to manage large scale folder changes after Users have already been set up on an individual basis.

User Groups are a very useful way to manage Folder Access when you have many Users who will all need a similar workflow in InQuiry. When setting up a client, it reduces the number of options you need to click when adding Users, and when changing folder access it eliminates the need to go into each User's settings on an individual basis.